Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy 2010 !

After taking our teenage son to a dance, I spent the rest of the evening at home on New Year's Eve with my husband. We were watching "The Music Man" and fell asleep sitting side by side on the couch. I'm not sure what woke me up, but we slept through the end of the old year! We woke up briefly for a short time and said, "Happy New Year!" to each other, but went to bed shortly after our son came home at 1:00 a.m.. Thankfully someone else was to bring him home. Evidently neither of us would have been awake or alert enough to be out driving.

Obviously we're not exactly party animals, either.

Still, I really hate being out on the roads late on New Year's Eve, anyway, because there is a higher risk that there will be drunk drivers on the road. Even on New Year's Day (afternoon) when I went out to run an errand, a car was weaving all over the road. I guess he hadn't finished celebrating. If he didn't turn off that road, he would have gone right past the police station. I can't help hoping he got nailed by the cops. I chose to go another way, though, so I'll never know. Several years ago a friend was killed by a drunk driver. I wasn't about to stay in the same vicinity with anyone who was weaving from lane to lane.

With the new year come resolutions. Mine? I'm just dusting off the ones from last year and trying again!

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