Sunday, September 28, 2008

Flat tire was a blessing

I was frantically trying to finish a few things on our kitchen, including getting new curtains, before company arrived. I had gone several places the evening before, but didn't see any curtains that suited either my budget or my taste. I decided I'd have to make the curtains, although I wasn't sure when I'd have the time. I dropped off my daughter at her work and had gotten about two lights away. While stopped at the red light, I heard a tapping on my window. A man was standing there. I opened the window a crack, and he asked me, "Did you know your rear tire is almost completely flat?" No, I'd had no idea.

So I said a silent prayer that I'd make it to the Goodyear place before it got so flat the rim would be damaged. I kept thinking of how much I had to do before company arrived in a few days, and thinking of the expense of a new tire, and possibly a damaged rim. I was rather upset, but turned my problems over to the Lord.

I did make it to Goodyear before the tire went completely flat, for which I was very thankful. I didn't want to just sit in the Goodyear lobby, so I decided to walk to Lowe's Home Improvement Center to see if they had something I needed. I wasn't there long. They didn't have what I wanted. So at that point I decided to walk to K-Mart. I haven't shopped at K-Mart for a long time. Both selection and service had lessened over the years, and I rarely went there anymore. However, I had nothing better to do, so I walked to K-Mart.

I found "my" curtains there. They were a perfect match for the colors of my kitchen, and they were a pattern I liked, too. And they definitely were less costly than making them would have been, and far less expensive than most of the ones I'd seen the evening before. Goodyear called me and told me my tire was ready, so I paid for the curtains and walked back to get my car. Now here is the kicker: the tire repair didn't cost me a dime. (I had road hazard insurance on my tires.)

I never would have thought to check K-Mart for curtains, so the flat tire turned out to be a blessing, especially since the tire didn't cost me anything.

Some people probably would figure this was just a cool coincidence or a lucky break, and not that curtains are important in the Lord's plan. I cannot help but feel that while curtains may not be a big thing to the Lord, He is willing to help His children, even in little things. It's what a latter-day apostle referred to as "the tender mercies of the Lord." Sometimes those tender mercies come in small quiet ways that let us know He knows us and loves us, and will help us with any problem if we are willing to turn to Him.

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